tud Algebraic decoder specification: coupling formal-language theory and statistical machine translation Algebraic decoder specification: coupling formal-language theory and statistical machine translation 2015-01-28 [Electronic ed.] 4519974-7 Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden prv Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, Dresden Fakultät Informatik male Köthen The specification of a decoder, i.e., a program that translates sentences from one natural language into another, is an intricate process, driven by the application and lacking a canonical methodology. The practical nature of decoder development inhibits the transfer of knowledge between theory and application, which is unfortunate because many contemporary decoders are in fact related to formal-language theory. This thesis proposes an algebraic framework where a decoder is specified by an expression built from a fixed set of operations. As yet, this framework accommodates contemporary syntax-based decoders, it spans two levels of abstraction, and, primarily, it encourages mutual stimulation between the theory of weighted tree automata and the application. 004 ST 136 Maschinelle Übersetzung, Automatentheorie, Algebra Maschinelles Übersetzen, Algebraische Spezifikation, Theorie der formalen Sprachen, Gewichtete Baumautomaten machine translation, algebraic specification, formal-language theory, weighted tree automata urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-159266 427542383 Technische Universität Dresden dgg Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden Matthias Büchse 1983-12-08 aut Heiko Vogler Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. dgs rev Alexander Koller Prof. Dr. rer. nat. rev eng 2014-08-05 2014-12-18 born digital Matthias Büchse matthias@buech.se doctoral_thesis